Now if you are wondering who is that handsome man passed out on the floor and what's his story...... well let me just tell you
- Justin earlier in the night was heavily drinking at a bar, when we all decided to head back to steph's place. Well while in the taxi Justin states he is going to puke followed by head movements that supported that statement. So as he is beginning to "unleash the demons" his friend Ethan covers his mouth with his hand..... kinda like in the movies when the murderer while killing a person cups there mouth and tells them "its okay its okay"..... yeah just like that. So Justin's vomit headed in the only direction straight down (on his clothes) and straight up (his nose and into his eyes). Also the remaining was puddled into Ethan's hand.
SOooo Not only did Justin give Ethan some vomit, but he also gave him a great story to relay back to us.
Life is an up-chuckle as they say.

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